
How to dismantle the chassis of Heshan office chair

2020-05-12 955

The work chair chassis is an important part of the work chair. When the work chair is broken and needs to be replaced, how can we disassemble it? Here is a brief introduction for you, hoping to help people who need it.

The method to disassemble the work chair chassis is as follows:

1. First, loosen the chassis screws to separate the chair. If there is no chassis screw, it is not necessary to disassemble the screw.

2. Lift up the chair to let the chair feet empty, and use the rubber hammer to knock the chair feet from top to bottom until the rubber joint.

3. Remove the air bar and the chair foot first.

4. Turn it upside down and lift the air bar, knock on the chassis until it falls.

(the upper and lower parts of the air pressure bar are tapered, which can be respectively stuck into the chair foot and the chassis, and knocked off in the opposite direction of the device. It is not recommended to directly hit the air bar, which is easy to damage and unsafe. )

Tips for disassembling the work chair chassis:

1. To dismantle a chair is to use brute force. The longer you sit, the tighter the clamp between the parts, and the more force you need.

2. Pay special attention, if there is no rubber hammer, it is better to use other hard objects to hit the book on the orientation pad, so as to avoid damaging the parts that do not need to be replaced.

3. If it can't be disassembled, the compulsory method can be adopted to hit hard until it falls.

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